How to dismantle the hre
How to dismantle the hre

Add one or two diplomatic ideas for more diplo slot and dip rep (another important factor) to ally electors and eventually you'll be the HRE.

how to dismantle the hre

When you win those wars, make him release nations and cancel alliances with electors. Dazu holt man über den HRE-Button die einzelnen Provinzen ins Reich, bis die Hauptstadt dabei ist Personnaly, my favourite way to become HRE is the diplomatic way basically, you must destroy the actual HRE: you win wars against him to tank his prestige, which in turns tanks his legitimacy which are both major factors in being elligible. Man kann dem Reich beitreten, wenn man sehr gute Beziehungen zum Kaiser hat und nicht zu groß ist. Selecting a building in the macrobuilder shows the scores for that building controllerarea: ownerarea: pathfin Re: Europa Universalis 4 Ins Reich beitreten. If it has the core of a country that does not exist: Set province flag bur_releasable_countr Toggles an AI mapmode allowing the player to see the logistics behind whether or not the AI will join the HRE airegion: aithreateval: armyeval: buildingeval: shows which buildings the AI would build in a province. Every owned province in Europe: Becomes part of the HRE. Hidden effect: Burgundy: Gains independece. The Emperor of the HRE: Set country flag burgundy_bordergore. Nach obenĮvery Province in the HRE owned by Burgundy will be released as Princes of the HRE. Du musst die Hauptstadt des Kaisers besetzthalten und alle Kurfürsten müssen entweder auch besetzt sein, oder mit in dem Krieg gegen dem Kaiser als deine Verbündeten kämpfen, oder dein Vasall sein. Plus, you can rotate wars on several fronts so it's not like you can't conquer in one region while you are also pursuing goals in another Re: HRE Auflösen. Europe is a very wealthy and rewarding region to conquer so the sooner you can do it the better off you are. Non-HRE countries might want to dismantle to weaken the Emperor who might be their foe. Integrating vassals within the HRE can be a pain as the negative relation modifiers really add up.

  • Submit your run on and claim your WR-title.-Second attempt at glitching my way to early Holy Roman Emp.
  • how to dismantle the hre

    The Emperor of the HRE has not enacted the decision 'Rein in Northern Italy'

  • At least 1 province of the areas Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Liguria, Piedmont or Lombardy or Urbino (2977), Ancona (119), Perugia (2976), Verona (108), Treviso (1774), Friuli (111) or Roma (118) is not part of the HRE.
  • how to dismantle the hre

    Home Eu4 HRE Holy Roman Empire events - Europa Universalis 4 Wik

    How to dismantle the hre